Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Party

Francis Halloween Party 2010...

Sock hop princess preparing the food.

Fresh finger cookies for the munching and crunching.

Princess Ariel attended the party!

                              1950's throw backs...


                            Must have been something funny.

Let the games begin...

Candy corn drop.  

Flashlight scavenger Hunt.

 The kiddos: Seattle Mariner (Caden), Princess Ariel (Gracie), Buzz Lightyear (Gabe), Farmer (Kylan), Witch (Camille) and not pictured: Tiger (Connor).

Sadly, Ariel was bitten. Her fangs grew in fast!
The party was a ton of fun. Good food, great costumes and our favorite people...
can't wait till our Christmas party!


elleskiles said...

so glad you fixed your comment problem cause i love to comment! such great pictures from a fabulous night filled with fright! okay, you and mark were too cute to be scary. and i see that you are having a christmas paaarrttyy. yes!

The Marley's said...

Looks like you guys had a TON of fun!