Friday, April 10, 2009

My little curious Georgette...

Gracie has always been a busy beaver but lately it seems as though she's packed full of Duracell batteries and I simply can't keep up! Considering some of the recent mischief she has gotten into, it's no wonder her favorite t.v. show is Curious George... a show she can totally relate to. It only takes her a few seconds to put the capital 'T' in "trouble"... here's a few examples of what happens when I turn my back for just a couple of minutes...
The other night I was upstairs tidying up while Gracie was downstairs playing in her toy closet. After a few seconds I realized I couldn't hear her playing anymore... it had become far too quiet so I bolted downstairs - and there she was sitting in nothing but her diaper - red nail polish painted on her nearly naked body (from head to toe) and a big fat smile on her face! She thought it was cute, however, I wanted to scream bloody murder - another mess to clean up! As if that werent enough, she managed to include Parker in her "day at the spa" and now his paws and legs are marked in "cherry red'".

You would think after experiencing the above mentioned incident that I would be more leary of giving Grace even the slightest chance to "explore", but that my friends, was not the case yesterday...
While I was in our bedroom folding some laundry Gracie was two doors down in her bedroom having a tea party with some of her closest friends - "Monkers" and "Bear-bear". With my back turned to the door I hunted for a missing sock and that's when Gracie must have slipped by me... Within only a few seconds of hearing silence I quickly called out to Gracie - no answer. I went to her room - no Gracie. I called her name again and this time I heard a faint "uh-huh!" I quickly made my way downstairs and I was shocked to find my once clothed daughter, now buck-naked on my kitchen counter! She had snuck one of her tiny chairs downstairs and used it as a stool. She crawled on top of the counter and made her way into the Sugar jar... there was sugar everywhere! When I caught her she had both fists full of sugar and she was shoveling it into her mouth - I'm not sure how much sugar she downed before I could reach her but I'm guessing about a 1/2 cup! I think she has been plotting this for a few days... last weekend we baked cookies together and she got a taste of sugar when she licked some off of her fingers... she quckly said, 'please more! please more!" I of course told her 'no' and that's when I think she locked that jar into her radar! In retropsect I can recall a few times during this past week where I caught her just standing in front of the counter, eyes glazed, staring at the jars... what a crazy little girl! And she's all mine!!:)

1 comment:

brettskiles said...

These pictures are priceless, Anne. I love the thought of cutie pie Gracie devising a "plan" to obtain the precious sugar. Man, I can see her mind working on this one. It's good stuff, of course she needed a plan. Love it.