Sunday, November 16, 2008

Computer problems

I just wanted to let everyone know that I probably won't be blogging very much because our computer crashed due to a virus... we will be purchasing one on black friday so until then I won't be able to blog very often. I'm currently at my in-laws and I know that we will be back here next weekend so perhaps I can bring the memory stick from our camera and at least share Gracie's halloween photos ( for you Bean!:) I'm pretty sure that I will take the time to add a little blurp about our romantic twilight evening and if I'm able to I will also post some photos of the puppy we are getting Gracie for Christmas...we're making a trip to the penninsula next weekend, near Forks (that's right Tia - we're headed back to Forks - the day after Twilight is released!) and we're going to make a deposit on the little thing - she was just born last week and we're all so excited. Until next time...

1 comment:

itsahalesofalife said...

I am going private so PLEASE email me your email address so I can add you.

my email: