In years past we haven't done much for Easter - easter baskets and a small egg hunt with a few family members, but nothing big. This year we decided to change things up and take Gracie to a public easter egg hunt - one where the easter bunny would perhaps make an appearance. We found one in Arlington that sounded like a lot of fun. We spent the night at Mark's parents house the night before and on Saturday morning we woke up to a very excited little girl! I think we were just as excited - we couldn't wait to see our little 'take charge' munchkin out there on the greens, but... it didn't go as well as we had hoped. All of the anticipation leading up to the big event was squashed the moment Gracie heard the words, "3,2,1 Go!!" followed by the rush of about 150 people - all trying to take 'her eggs'. She spent the first 60 seconds (the most crucial) kneeling on the ground, crying her eyes out. We began to help her gather some eggs and the tears slowly dissolved. Unfortunately, by the time Gracie realized how much fun she was having she simultaneously realized that all of the eggs were gone! She looked in her basket, then at us and with tears welling up she said, "I need more eggs." When we confirmed her worst fear - all of the eggs were gone - the tears began to flow again. Poor thing.
Better luck next year kiddo!
Gracie with mommy and daddy. This was minutes before the egg hunt began.
Gracie with her pop. Also taken prior to the egg hunt.
Post-egg hunt... definitely not the happiest girl in the world!
Grandma and Pop Francis' new puppy, cocoa, made everything all better - no more tears, just big fat smiles!
We had easter dinner at Mark's parent's house. Mark's mom made bread in the shape of a bunny, so cute you almost didn't want to eat it. She put it on the table then grabbed a knife and 'stabbed' the poor bunny... Gracie's look says it all!
Here's Gracie in her easter attire... so darling!
So stinkin''s a good thing Gracie wasn't at the Easter Egg hunt in Payson - she would have never gotten 1 egg...Tori was lucky to have gotten 4!! Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas. (I had to delete my 1st post since I wrote 2 instead of 4)...sorry
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