Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow day in the Woolley...

It snowed last night!!! Yeahhh for snow! Naturally Gracie woke up excited to see a blanket of white covering the ground... the first thing she said to me was, "Look momma! SNOWWWW!!!" I had started my holiday baking yesterday, but didn't quite finish it (Mark and I had to leave for a Christmas party) so I told Gracie that just as soon as I was finished baking then we could go outside. She waited patiently at the back door for about 30 minutes. As her patience wore thin she looked up at me and then reached for the spoon in my hand while saying, "here mommy, I'll do this". I guess I wasn't quick enough for her. :) When we were done with the cookies we raced upstairs to bundle up. It was a lot of fun playing in the snow - more so than it's ever been. Gracie's at the age where stuff like snow, Santa Claus, presents and baking cookies excite her. Fun times at the Francis house!

Gracie eating snow - I checked to make sure it wasn't yellow. :)

Gracie and Parker making a run for it.

Where's your hat silly girl?!

Falling over...

Gracie making snow art...

"You're silly mom!"

Mark came home at lunchtime and was able to watch Gracie play and take a few shots of us girls together. It was fun, but brrr... it was cold too!

1 comment:

Bean said...

SO cute...Gracie would have loved being here last week! Snow central station!