Friday, September 10, 2010

Good bye and hello

Good bye sunshine, surf tides, and lazy summer days...

Mark and Gracie with our good friends Bob and Connor... playing at a local beach.

Gracie LOVES watermelon!

Apparently, unbeknown to us, Gracie mastered Tae Kwon Do in her sleep... she tried teaching daddy, but he quickly kaboshed her plans.

Good bye mid-week field trips with Maddy...

Cool things at the Pacific Science Center.

There was a machine that tested your strength. Gracie tried with all her might and lit up a few lights! Look at the determination!

Mark gave it a try and lit up all of the lights... we have a winner folks! Look at the muscles... yeah, that's my husband. :)


Good ol' Space Needle.
Close up.

Hello Rubber boot adventures...

Gracie and Connor at the Golden Glen Creamery... where they do not make 'Pig Cheese'.

Hello new backpack, new clothes and new school...

Gracie started pre-school! A weird empty feeling as I drove away...