Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Motorcycle mania!

I'm laughing out loud right now and I've seen these pictures about a dozen times. First of all, you have to know what a character Lynn (Mark's dad)is - just a great guy with his own unique sense of style. He got a small motorycle a few months ago and he's turned into quite the roadster - he finds reasons to ride his "cherried hog" and he's always talking about it - have you seen the movie "Road Hogs"? He is part of an older generation road hog group in good old Marysville - these guys are hilarious and totally out of touch with how ridiculously caught up they are in their "steel & wheels" - total mid life crisis - in fact, the ring leader dies his naturally gray hair light brown, as if no one can tell the difference - funny stuff. Mark's dad isn't that bad - he's sort of the new guy on the team. Anyways, he's been dying to take Mark out for a ride - and Mark has turned him down everytime he's offered - not because he's scared of Motorcycles - he just doesn't want to look like an idiot - the bike isn't exactly a mo-ped but it aint no harley either and we all know how big Mark is, so needless to say Mark was still skeptical right up to the last minute - he said he'd only go for a quick ride as long as I took some pictures because he knew they would be absolutley hilarious, and he was right! When Mark said, "Yeah, I'll go on a quick ride with ya" Lynn was so happy. He wheeled his bike onto the pavement and tried starting it. No such luck. He tried again. No such luck. He tried again. No such luck. Then he sat there for a minute, totally peeved, sort of pouting - Mark was dying, so I took a photo - that's the second photo you see here. Anyways, when he finally got it to start, lynn said, "Oh! That's the problem, she (the bike) just needed a moment to get ready for the ride!" Good stuff.


Francis Family said...

he looks even more like a p-file in the motorcycle pictures, especially the one where the 'ol girl wouldn't start... ball and chain.


itsahalesofalife said...

Hey there! I found you guys on Brian and Tia's blog. Your little girl is getting so big. Thank you so much for the card you sent a while back. You guys are so sweetie. Are you going to be coming out to Utah in July for baby Tori's blessing? I really hope so. I am looking forward to all the cousins meeting our little Tatum. I hope we can keep in contact better. Give my loves to your family
Danielle & Chad Hales